Learn to create your site and to market it

Create your site -> Make in page -> - Optimisation - Import - Ergonomy - Include
Create quizzes

II- Make in page

- Optimisation
It's the height of your files which give time to charge a page.

- Import
Category of files used for web whith the differents medias.

- Ergonomy
To surf easly on your web site.

- Include
How include some page or service on your web site.

- Download software to create your site

- Chapters directories and market your site will boost your promotion.

Web Site


II- 3: Ergonomy of your site

An ergonom site is a site which surfing is instinctivly to understand whith graphik unity, and good place in page. Graphik must be attracting and fast to charge.

Like for structure, you can begin on paper the position of you botoms of surfing, and no forget to have place on border for mail and contacts.
The webmater need to always have a thinking for the promotion, and take care since now that texts links are very important for search engines. Reserve a place for a menu all il text which help your page to be well referenced.

For design, beter is to go and see what there are on web , that you like, and which can go whith the thems of your site.



Ergonomie and optimisation are already go both, because the time to charge a page will done if she's agreable to consulte. You have to waiting for surfers like your site, before give him a picture in 300 ko.