site that nobody find is not very interesting. So, you have
to promote it.
can propose it to the search engine and
(the chapter is already linked by "add
your site" ).
The search
engine just need few elements (URL and email) and their bots
will come to crawl and analyse your page...
The most of them are interesed by :
- The title of your page
- the meta names of your page : the meta names are a special
indication for search engines you have to write in the <head>
of your page html. The most important are Keywords
and Description. The meta "Keywords"
is a suite of keywords on the thems of your site.... The meta
Description is a description of the page in one line.
- The text on page, in first, at the top of page, and in the
And now,
a stong indice is,
popularity : number of links
which go on your page. More than the site which link have
an important indice, more your site go top too. So, you have
to add your site in good directories.
The directories
ask you to describe yourself your site and they accept it
or not. You always give your name, the web site name, his
adress, an email, a description and perhaps any keywords and
It's very intersting to make somes partners links, or whith
banner (classical format : 468 X 60 pixels).