do your custumers are coming from ? Are they staying along
on your site ? Which pages they prefer ?... A lot of answer
so hard to obtain in "real life", so easy to find
on web.
stats are not always easly to understand : All the systems
of stats have a lot of mystakes, that you will learn to clean
with time.
always find this indices on your stats (for the most importants)
The trafic of your site by day
and by month. to have a global idea on your site evolution.
You will have details on your band swich used, the number
of viewing pages, any error...
The coming from of your custumer,
in tree category, direct access (customer type adresse), access
by a link from another site, access by search engine.
So you can put on top your best partners.
Somes details on your custumer.
The country, the navigator and configuration, Ip adress (theidentity
of a custumer during his connection).