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IV - Services

- Stats
Get some precious indices on your visitors.

- Forum
Ideals tools to create comunauty on your site.

- Advert
Services to manage your advert and your printing.


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- Chapters directories and market your site will boost your promotion.

Web Site


V-1 : Create a forum on your web site

Your site is taking his space on web, your customers send you somes compliment, you would like to have comunauty of spirits on your site... Why don't you unit them on a forum ?

Any thing yu have to look at :

- You have to watch your forum many times, to admin post. To delet wrong post, to stop steril talke... and certainly to enjoy your forum.
If you have few post, you have always the possibility to be contact by mail when there is a new post.

- If you create a forum on your hosting, you're responsable of the post you host... So you have to whach and clean topics.

- A forum will well work if he's associed with a site with "real interesting ". Create your forum will be beter if you have a subject and customers on one them.


IF your forum make good work, have much trafic, and you can manage it all the time, you can aske to a regular customer to admin your forum when you're not here. Any forums can manage many level of admin to give easly some power to another.