Learn to create your site and to market it

Create your site -> Concept -> - Structure - Medias - Software - Scripts
Create quizzes

I- Concept :

- Structure
Compose your directories structure and the folder for files of your site.

- Medias
How to insert pictures, videos, music...

- Software
What software to create your site ?

- Scripts
Agrement your site, find some contacts, make your stats...

- Download software to create your site

- Chapters directories and market your site will boost your promotion.

Web Site


I- 4 : Scripts to create your site

After langage html (ou htm) used already for make in page, scripts give you the way to anime your site, and to conserve infos page by page, and to manage your contact...

In one word , whith scripts, your site, from statique, become dynamique.

There are tow principal groups of langage for web : which one are execut whith the client navigator and which one execut on hosting of your site. Java, javascript... for example for the first, and cgi, perl, php... for the seconds.
Those langages can be compiled, more or less easly. For example, a form in php can verify the place of text by a little code in javascript.

The choice of the langage whill you'll use for your site is impotant :
- In first, find in your hosting langage it accepted. Some langage, or some fonction dont work anywhere. Version of langage you take must be know (php, php3 ou php4 for example).
- Which langage can help me to realise my project ? There is the same fonctions in many langages.

- Think to look at compatibility of your scripts whith many navigator. You dont have to test all fo them, but try the two lastest version of Internet Explorer and maybe the lastest of Netscape Navigator.



A minimum of programation is really necessary for the development of your site. To manage your contacts, your news, install a repertory... It's good to use many learning methods :
- Whith a book, or other text, and write your code from A to Z.
- Adapt free scripts (take care of the copyright of course)
- discover fonctions of scripts on any site for webmaster.